Adult Programs

Health & Wellness
Commission on Minority Health
Lupus Optimal Health support group and Lupus Education and Awareness
Creating Lasting Family Connections (CLFC)
Creating Lasting Family Connections is a comprehensive personal and family strengthening program. The program is designed to improve personal growth through increasing self-awareness, expression of feelings and interpersonal communication.
Participants are taught social skills, refusal skills, communication skills, family management, and appropriate alcohol and drug knowledge and beliefs, which provide a strong defense against other family or environmental risk factors. This program has a youth module and adult module and can be implemented separately or simultaneously (youth and parent/care giver).
Outpatient Treatment
We offer 8 hours or less a week of Substance abuse treatment services which include but not limited to; Assessment, Group counseling, Case management, Individual sessions, urinalysis, recovery support and crisis intervention.
Recovery Support Services
Are services offered to enhance an individual recovery capitol, assist individuals in addressing barriers (housing, employment, transportation etc.) as well as, provide peer support to encourage continuous maintenance of their recovery. This service is often provided in conjunction with outpatient treatment and at post treatment.